Jonsdottir, J., Perini, G., Ascolese, A., Bowman, T., Montesano, A., Lawo, M. & Bertoni, R. (2020)
Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders.
Shirani, A. & Okuda, D.T. (IN PRESS)
Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders.
Jonsdottir, J., Perini, G., Ascolese, A., Bowman, T., Montesano, A., Lawo, M. & Bertoni, R. (2019)
Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders, Volume 35, 76 - 82.
Zarbo, M., Vitelli, D., Bianconi, T., Morganti, L., Ascolese, A., Leo, A. & Spinelli, M. (2019, Nov.)
Evaluation of usability and pleasantness of a technological device for the upper limb rehabilitation in quadriplegic patients.
Poster session presented at 58th ISCOS, Nice, FRANCE.
Morganti, L., Ascolese, A., Zettl, A. & Pannese, L. (2019)
Digit Med 2019;5:30-6
Vitelli, D., Zarbo, M., Bianconi, T., Morganti, L., Ascolese, A. & Spinelli, M. (2018, Oct.)
Protocollo di rieducazione dell’arto superiore del soggetto con tetraplegia con KINECT®: dati preliminari.
PosterPoster session presented at CNOPUS, Rome, ITALY.
Ascolese, A., Pannese, L. & Wortley, D. (2018)
In book: Clinical Rehabilitation Experience Utilizing Serious Games, Springer, 2018, Lawo, Michael, Knackfuß, Peter (Eds.)
De Luca, V. & Ascolese, A. (2018)
Learning from the reality: InLife game-based scenarios for sustainable and inclusive behaviours.
Gamification and Serious Game Symposium,
Neuchatel, 6 July.
Morganti, L., Ascolese, A., Vitelli, D. & Spinelli, M. (2018)
Digit Med, 4:142-4.
Scase, M., Kreiner, K. & Ascolese, A. (2018)
Development and Evaluation of Cognitive Games to Promote Health and Wellbeing in Elderly People with Mild Cognitive Impairment.
In Health Informatics Meets eHealth. Biomedical Meets eHealth – From Sensors to Decisions.
Proceedings of the 12th eHealth Conference (255-263).
De Luca, V., Ascolese, A. & Rossini, E. (2018)
Turning fun into learning: how serious games inspire new educational frameworks.
In Proceedings of INTED2018 Conference 5th-7th March 2018,
Valencia, Spain (2897-2904).
Floch, J., Zettl, A., Fricke, L., Weisser, T., Grut, L., Vilarinho, T., Stav, E., Ascolese, A. & Schauber, C. (2018)
JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 6(5):e113.
DOI: 10.2196/mhealth.8236
Calvo-Lerma, J., Martinez-Jimenez, CP, LázaroRamos, J-P, Andrés, A., Crespo-Escobar, P., Stav, E., Schauber, C., Pannese, L., Hulst, J., Suárez, L., Colombo, C., Barreto, C., De Boeck, K. & Ribes-Koninckx, C. (2017)
BMJ Open 2017;7:e014931. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016- 014931
Ascolese, A., Kiat, J., Pannese, L. & Morganti, L. (2017)
Gamifying elderly care: feasibility of a digital gaming solution for active aging.
Digit Med 2017;2:157‑162.
Ascolese, A., Pannese, L. & Wortley, D. (2016)
Gamified wellbeing for all ages- How technology and gamification can support physical and mental wellbeing in the ageing society,
IFMBE Proceedings vol. 57, Springer.
Caon, M., Carrino, S., Condon, L., Ascolese, A., Facchinetti, S., Mazzola, M., Perego, P., Velickovski, P., Andreoni, G. & Mugellini, E. (2017)
PEGASO Companion: A Mobile App to Promote Healthy Lifestyles Among Adolescents.
In P. Perego, G. Andreoni & G. Rizzo (Eds.), Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare 6th International Conference, MobiHealth 2016,
Milan, Italy, November 14-16, 2016, Proceedings. Springer International Publishing.
Dunwell, I., Dixon, R., Bul, K. C. M., Hendrix, M., Kato, P. M. & Ascolese, A. (2016)
Translating open data to educational minigames.
11th International Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation and Personalization (SMAP), 145 - 150, DOI: 10.1109/SMAP.2016.7753400. IEEE Conference Publications.
Gabrielli, S., Maimone, R., Costa C., Ascolese, A., Jonsdottir, J., Klein, W. & Bendersky, G. (2015)
A game-based solution for in-home rehabilitation,
Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications, Engineering, LNICST, pag. 150, 112-117.
Musian, D. & Ascolese, A. (2015)
Gamified Cognitive Training to Prevent Cognitive Decline.
In D. Novák, B. Tulu, & H. Brendryen (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Holistic Perspectives in Gamification for Clinical Practice. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
N. A. Enaki, V. I. Koroli, S. Bazgan, A. Nistreanu, S. Palistrant, D. Bogoev, M. Turcan, T. Pislari, Y. Boshneaga, N. Lambropoulos, S. Patel, A. Khrennikov, M. Marinucci, S. C. Kwok, L. Pannese, M. Arniani, R. Torrenti, S. Maslobrod, V. Scherbakov, E. Kuznetsov, I. Moldovanu, O. Misic, S. Odobescu, A. Lupusor, A. Cernei, V. Vovc, O. Arnaut, N. Ciobanu, P. Tuzlucov, S. Kernbach, A. Sorli, V. Anisimov
V. Sontea and I. Tigineanu (eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Nanotechnologies and Biomedical Engineering, September 23-26, 2015,
Kishinev, Moldova, Volume 55 of the series IFMBE Proceedings pp 245-249, (Springer Science + Business Media, Singapore).
Pannese, L. & Morosini, D. (2014)
Serious Games to support Reflection in the HealthCare Sector,
Lawo, M., Gabrielli, S., Pannese, L. & Bo, G. (2014)
Rehab@Home: Ein EU Projekt zur nachhaltigen Rehabilitation mittels "Serious Games";
AAL Kongress April 2014.
Dimitrova, V., M. Steiner, C., Despotakis, D., Brna, P., Ascolese, A., Pannese, L. & Dietrich, A. (2013)
Semantic Social Sensing for Improving Simulation Environments for Learning,
in: “Scaling up Learning for Sustained Impact”, Proceedings 8th European Conference, on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2013,
Paphos, Cyprus, September 17-21, 2013.
Ascolese, A., Pompa M., Bo G. , Gabrielli S. & Pannese L. (2013)
Persuasion to a sustainable transport eco-system through serious games in the SUPERHUB EC Project,
International Workshop on EuroPLOT Persuasive Technology for Learning, Education and Teaching (IWEPLET - EC TEL 2013),
Cyprus, Sept., 2013.
Bo, G., Pompa, M., Gabrielli, S., Maimone, R. & Pannese, L. (2013)
Designing Meaningful Game Experiences for Rehabilitation and Sustainable Mobility Settings,
Workshop on ubiquitous games and gamification for promoting behavior change and wellbeing (CHItaly2013), Sept., 2013.
Pannese, L., Bo, G., Lawo, M. & Gabrielli, S., (2013)
Submission authors The REHAB@HOME Project: Engaging Game-based Home Rehabilitation for Improved Quality of Life;
SEGAMED Conference September 2013.
Sisarica, A., Maiden, N., Morosini, D., Pannese, L., Pudney, K. & Rose, M. (2013)
Creativity support in a serious game for dementia care;
in Proceeding C&C '13 Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Creativity & Cognition pp 349-352,
Sydney, Australia — June 17 - 20, 2013.
Maiden, N., D’Souza, S., Jones, S., Muller, L., Pannese, L., Pitts, K., Prilla, M., Pudney, M., Rose, M., Turner, I. & Zachos, K. (2013)
CACM, November 2013.
Pannese, L., Prilla, M., Ascolese, A. & Morosini, D. (2013)
Serious Games for Reflective Learning – experiences from the MIRROR project,
in “Cases on Digital Game-Based Learning. Methods, Models and Strategies”,
IGI Global, 2013.
Pannese, L., Morosini, D., Moore, A. & Pammer, V. (2012)
User Models and Affective Metacognitive Scaffolding for Adaptive Games,
In Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Games Based Learning,
January 2012.
Balzert, Pannese, Walter, Loos (2012)
Serious Games in Business
in: “Handbook of Research on Serious Games as Educational, Business, and Research Tools: Development and Design”
edited by IGI Global.
Moore, A., Hetzner, S., Pannese, L., Steiner, C., Brna, P. & Conlan, O. (2011)
Affective Metacognitive Scaffolding for the Enhancement of Experiential Training for Adult learners,
Workshop paper at EC-TEL 2011,
Palermo – Italy, 20-23 September 2011.
Pannese, L. & Dimitrova, V. (2011)
Augmented Simulated Experiential Learning: The ImREAL Approach,
eChallenges Conference, Pisa 2011.
Protopsaltis, A., Hetzner, S., Pappa, D. & Pannese, L. (2011)
eLearning Papers, nr 25, July 2011.
Hetzner, S. & Pannese, L. (2011)
Adaptive Simulation for Multicultural Dialogue Training,
The Future of Education, Firenze 2011.
Pannese, L. & Morosini, D. (2011)
Serious Games for Reflective Learning,
The Future of Education, Firenze 2011.
Whitton, N., Pannese, L. & Barrett, N. (2011)
Designing Learning Games for Multiple Stakeholders,
The Future of Education, Firenze 2011.
Pannese, L. (2010)
Serious Games e Reflective Learning,
Convegno SieL, Milano 2010.
Pappa, D. & Pannese, L. (2010)
Effective design and evaluation of Serious Games: the case of the e-VITA project,
WSKS 2010; Corfu Greece.
Pappa, D., Dunwell, I., Protopsaltis, A., Pannese, L., Hetzner, S., de Freitas, S. & Rebolledo-Mendez, G. (2010)
Game-based learning for knowledge sharing and transfer: the e-VITA approach for intergenerational learning
in “Handbook of Research on Improving Learning and Motivation through Educational Games: Multidisciplinary Approaches”
edited by IGI Global, 2010.
Pannese, L. (2010)
Quaderni di management: focus serious games,
EGV Edizioni, Sept-Oct 2010.
Moore, A. & Ascolese, A. (2011)
Explicit Tools for Affective Indicators.
In Proceedings of the EC-TEL 2011 conference
(Palermo, 20-23 September 2011).
Ascolese, A. (2010)
I Serious Games come fenomeno del web 2.0: effetti sociali e relazionali,
Quaderni di Management, 47, 72-82.
The issue contains the papers selected for the “Creative Learning with Serious Games” workshop organized through e-VITA at the Fun&Games conference in Leuwen, September 2010.
Pannese, L.
iGEL, Giornale dell’eLearning, anno 4 nr 1.
Pannese, L., Hetzner, S. & Dunwell, J. (2009)
e-VITA, electronic life experiences based on Storytelling and Serious Games,
OnlineEDUCA, Berlin, 2009.
Hallmeier, R., Hetzner, S. & Pannese, L. (2009)
Serious Games and Storytelling as an innovative learning tool in the European school 2.0,
EDEN Open Classroom, Porto, 2009.
Pannese, L., Hetzner, S., Hallmeier, R. & Confalonieri, L. (2009)
Storytelling and Serious Games for Creative Learning in an Intergenerational Setting,
ECGBL (European Conference on Games Based Learning) Graz, Austria. 2009.
Pannese, L. & Hetzner, S. (2009)
e-VITA, Simulazioni di Vita in Ambito Intergenerazionale,
Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society, Vol. 5, nr 2, June 2009, pp. 75-82.
Tettamanzi, A., Pannese, L. & Santalmasi, M. (2009)
Modellare i Discenti: Ottimizzare Formazione, Valutazione e Testing,
Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society”, Vol. 5, nr 2, June 2009, pp. 111-115.
Pannese, L. & Hetzner, S. (2009)
e-VITA, Life Simulations in an Intergenerational Setting,
Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society, Vol. 5, nr 2, June 2009, pp. 75-82.
Tettamanzi, A., Pannese, L. & Santalmasi, M. (2009)
Learner Modelling: Optimizing Training, Assessment and Testing,
Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society, Vol. 5, nr 2, June 2009, pp. 111-115.
Pannese, L., Carlesi, M. & Riente, M. (2009)
Mettersi in gioco: serious games e apprendimento esperienziale per la formazione in azienda,
in “Le tecnologie nella didattica” a cura di Giovanni Marconato, Erickson, 2009.
Wasim, A., Faltin, N., Pudney, K. & Pannese, L. (2008)
A competency requirements elicitation tool for adaptive learning processes,
Adaptive Hypermedia conference, Hannover, 2008.
Pannese, L. & Carlesi, M. (2007)
Games and Learning come together to maximize effectiveness: the challenge of bridging the gap,
British Journal of Educational Technology, Vol 38 No 3 2007, pp. 438–454.
Carlesi, M. & Pannese, L. (2007)
Interactive testing for serious games: a game-based survey to measure perceptions about serious games,
Learning with Games 2007, 24 - 26 September 2007, Sophia Antipolis, Francia.
Carlesi, M., Pannese, L., Santalmasi, M. & Tettamanzi, A. (2007)
Business Intelligence for Strategic Marketing: Predictive Modelling of Customer Behaviour Using Fuzzy Logic and Evolutionary Algorithms,
in "Lecture Notes in Computer Science" (LNCS) vol. 4448, “Applications of Evolutionary Computation”; Springer (2007).
Carlesi, M., Pannese, L. & Riente, L. (2007)
Mettersi in gioco: serious games e apprendimento esperienziale per la formazione in azienda,
Bolzanoconversations, March 2007.
Pannese, L. & Carlesi, M. (2006)
E-Learning and KM finalmente integrati per una maggiore flessibilità ed efficacia,
E-learning & Knowledge Management, nr. 13, pp. 16-18 (2006).
Karapidis, A., Pannese, L., Pappa, D., Santalmasi, M. & Voltz, W. (2006)
Simulation as Efficient Support lo learning Business Dynamics,
in “Innovative Approaches for Learning and Knowledge Sharing”, pp 357-365, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2006,
Proceedings EC-TEL Conference, Crete, 2006.
Pannese, L. (2006)
I sistemi di simulazione per la formazione;
E-learning & Knowldge Management, nr. 14, pp. 12-15 (2006).
Pannese, L., Nitti, V. & Santalmasi, M. (2005)
Simulation-based solutions for performance enhancement in companies from different industrial sectors.
Stuttgart: Professional Training Facts Conference.
Pannese, L., Cassola, M. & Grassi, M. (2005)
Interaction with Simulation Tools: Analysis of Use Cases,
Proceedings to I-KNOW 2005: 5th International Conference on Knowledge Management,
Graz (A), 29.06-01.07.2005.
Pannese, L., Lenardon, S., Nitti, V., Santalmasi, M. & Festorazzi, V. (2005)
Competence Tracking and Automatic Training Design Simulation,
Proceedings to WM 2005: Professional Knowledge Management Experiences and Visions,
Kaiserslautern (D), 10-13 April 2005.
Pannese, L. & Tettamanzi, A. (2004)
Budget Simulator,
poster at the ICL 2004: Interactive Computer Aided Learning,
Villach (A), 29.09-01.10.2004.
Pannese, L., Lenardon, S. & Festorazzi, V. (2004)
Training Simulator,
poster at the ICL 2004: Interactive Computer Aided Learning,
Villach (A), 29.09-01.10.2004.